I was asked by a friend how I create a film when the couple we booked was rude. If they try to take advantage of us or if they treat us poorly and I told her this. You sit down. You listen to their words and nothing else, not their voice, not your memories of them or how they treated you, and you use their words to create a story. If you think you can use the footage to benefit your business, do the best you can to make a kick ass film like I know you can. You are the light in the story that you create. You are the one that brings those words to life and you choose how they are crafted. Look past your own distaste of their faces and look through the images and even if they look like shit to you in that moment, find the images where they look their best, find the moments where your creativity was the best and put only those images in there. Be picky as hell if you want. do what you can to get through it and keep your head up.
If you think this story doesn’t relate to you, it just might.
If you work in a job that is hard and no one appreciates how hard it is for you to do it.
If you are trying to create a song that shows the depths of your soul and the words aren’t coming.
If you even just have a hard time starting a project.
We all have something in common when it comes to struggling to access our creative energy, and that is that other needs aren’t being met.
Say your creative energy is the person you want to be, your higher self. How do you get there? Is it better food? Is it sleeping better at night? Taking naps and drinking water often? Addressing your addictions? Or is it something completely different? Is it finding a spot that speaks to you in the city or the country that fill your soul with inspiration? Or just enjoying your favorite mug of tea?
Find your thing. Ask yourself what’s missing in your heart and in your life big and small. If you don’t know right away, keep asking, with love and compassion for yourself. The big things will come with time but learn to treat yourself with love by giving yourself the small things that matter now.
Your creativity reflects your individual hopes, your dreams and your fears and so does mine.
So take care of yourself.
You are the only you.
And there is love and care for you within yourself even if it’s not to be found anywhere else.
When you access that part of you that cares for your interests, needs, dreams and fears….. that’s when creative energy starts to flow.
That’s when your mood can shift and your heart can change.
Hope my words do something good for ya,
Much love friends.
Thank you Nessa ☺️ I appreciate it!
Love this!!😍